LOCATION: Neohapsis / Archives / NTBugtraq / Message Index / IIS4 Basic authentication realm issue
Subject: IIS4 Basic authentication realm issue
From: Dougal Campbell (dougal@GUNTERS.ORG)
Date: Thu Jul 13 2000 - 11:34:25 CDT

Perhaps this has been brought up before, but I didn't see anything pertinent
in the archives.

I was recently trying to figure out how to set separate authentication realms
for two different directories under the same vhost with IIS4. I eventually
found an answer (see
news://msnews.microsoft.com/>), but in the process
I noticed something that I don't like:

When IIS4 (and I presume previous versions, and probably IIS5 as well)
responds to a client trying to access an area protected by Basic
authentication, and the client specifies HTTP 1.0, and if no Realm has been
defined (as by the method above), it can return an internal address. This
information could potentionally be used by crackers to locate other local

For example, in our situation, our IIS server resides behind a firewall, which
uses NAT. The internal address is (not really, but for the
purpose of this example it is :), but external hosts see the NAT address of Normally, nobody outside should know anything about the
192.168.42.x address space used internally. But, observe:

    dougal:~> telnet 80
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    HEAD /secure/test/ HTTP/1.0[CRLF]

    HTTP/1.1 401 Access Denied
    WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=""
    Content-Length: 644
    Content-Type: text/html

    Connection closed by foreign host.

IIS has just given up a bit of internal information.

Setting a realm string for the root level of the server (then setting separate
realms for subdirs as needed) fixes things:
  cd c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv\adminsamples
  net stop w3svc
  cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/realm "ACME Corp"
  net start w3svc

FYI, when the client uses HTTP 1.1, they are forced to provide a Host header,
and IIS uses that value as the default realm, if one has not been set in the

Ernest MacDougal Campbell III, MCP
Webmaster, AAA Cooper Transportation
<emc3@aaacooper.com> http://www.aaacooper.com/
<dougal@gunters.org> http://www.gunters.org/~dougal/


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