Security Update - New Release -


EDIT: This release had some problems, please look at the new release
Please be advised there is a new release available that fixes several security vulnerabilities. It is advised to upgrade all installations.

Download the full package here DOWNLOAD

I will post more details soon.

On the change log the 8.0 final release was ommited.
Probably should be corrected. :P

Thanks for your and everyone else's hard work!

Off to install it now...


i get an error thanks to debug that the file del_list is missing :

I created a topic to ask why :

Any idea ?

Ryan, there are no instructions that I can find on how exactly to upgrade from .8 to .8.0.1. Do I just need to upload these files on top of my current installation or what? A page with instructions would be great. Thanks for such a great piece of software!

I find a lot of Thumbs.db files in distributive - someone forget them to delete.
Also my patch is not applied -