Patching Sendmail

If you do not use SendmailTM 8.12.9 then you must apply a security patch. Notice: after you applied the appropriate patch as explained below, you must recompile sendmail and install the new binary. See the instructions for your sendmail versions how to do that.

We apologize for releasing this information today (2003-03-29) but we were forced to do so by an e-mail on a public mailing list which contains information about the security flaw.

Please note the following changes in the default operation:

Patch instructions:

  1. Download the patch and the PGP signature.
    Please don't use a program that converts the uuencoded file on the fly when downloading it (e.g., Netscape). The correct size of prescan.tar.gz.uu is 3053 bytes.
  2. Check the PGP signature, e.g.,
    gpg --verify prescan.tar.gz.uu.asc prescan.tar.gz.uu
    pgp prescan.tar.gz.uu.asc prescan.tar.gz.uu
  3. Unpack the patches:
    uudecode -p < prescan.tar.gz.uu | gunzip -c | tar -xf -
    This will give you these files (explanation for each file is on the left, only "prescan.VERSION.patch" are the files).
  4. Apply the appropriate patch to your version of the sendmail source code (change the version number below to the right one!), e.g.,
    cd sendmail-8.12.8/sendmail
    patch < prescan.8.12.8.patch
  5. If you didn't have sendmail 8.12.8 previously but an older version, then make sure you have the previous security patch installed.
  6. Recompile sendmail, and install the new binary.
