Changelog 1.7.x

From ClaroDevel

This page aims to resume in a "comprehensive language" what has been changed or fixed between Claroline 1.7.0 and 1.7.x.

A lot of people in the forum asked to get such a list in case of a customized campus, this can be useful. If you need more technical informations about the changes (scripts concerned,... ) please refer directly to the Claroline CVS (

Table of contents

Modification between claroline 1.7.7 and 1.7.8


  • Japanese 35% complete by Naoto KIMURA at Takushoku University in Japan.

New features

  • Add mail notification : to teacher on new submission, to student on new feedback

Security Fix

  • Fix XSS in Wiki, MyAgenda, Documents and links, Forums and Tracking
  • Remote file inclusion with register_globals to On. (zone-h (


  • Export SCORM : Compatibility with php5

Modification between claroline 1.7.6 and 1.7.7

Claroline 1.7.7 released, Tue June 13 2006


  • Greek fine tuning by Spiros Ioannou
  • Fix charset of greek translation of wysiwyg editor
  • Italian 100% complete (6 missing translations) by Stefano Crosatti

Security Fix

  • Remote inclusion have been discovered in these scripts.
Platform in register_globals off and/or allow_url_open off are not vulnerable.
* claroline/auth/extauth/driver/
* claroline/auth/extauth/driver/
  • Improve Security : protect blindness all included file to prevent other injection.


  • Linker : Secure document configuration isn't loaded in linker tool.
  • Documents and links : directory named 0 (zero) causes claro_delete_file to exit without deleting all files in a directory
  • Wiki : now wiki page title is always case sensitive
  • Wiki : fix some javascript warning
  • Tracking questions details : Fix queries for mysql 5

Modification between claroline 1.7.5 and 1.7.6

Claroline 1.7.5 released, Wed May 17 2006


New layouts

  • 2 new Layouts :
    • clarcomm.css, a new corporate CSS designed by Laurent Colet in the context of an internship at Cerdecam Research Center (Brussels)
    • cupertino.css
Layout Clarocom
Layout Clarocom
Layout Cupertino
Layout Cupertino

Fixed bugs and improvements

Bug fix

  • Course settings : Cannot enter URL of the department with the character - in it. (fixed by Marina from St-Etienne France)
  • Create course : Error message, use $coursesRepositorySys instead of $coursesRepositories (<-- doesn't exist)

Security fix

Remote inclusion have been discovered in these scripts. Platform in register_globals off and/or allow_url_open off are not vulnerable.

claroline/inc/conf/auth.conf.php.dist     -> Need a  manual security hack

Modification between claroline 1.7.4 and 1.7.5

Claroline 1.7.5 released, Wed April 5 2006


New layouts

  • 3 new Layouts : claroffice.css, caucase.css and netscape.css
Layout Caucase
Layout Caucase
Layout ClaroOffice
Layout ClaroOffice
Layout Netscape
Layout Netscape

Fixed bugs and improvements

Bug fix

  1. Add user : Deep redesign of the user addition workflow to fit something more usable and closer to the orginally defined workflow.
  2. Assigments : Don't update visibility when editing assignment settings.
  3. Forum : Change the way rank moving is done for forums and categories.

Security fix

  1. A security hole in the file editing. There was no process to prevent the view of file upside the course directory.
  2. A remote inclusion in scormExport.php

Modification between claroline 1.7.3 and 1.7.4

Claroline 1.7.4 released, Fri March 20 2006


  1. Complete Italian review by Fausto Barbarito <>
  2. Complete Greek review by Spiros Ioannou From School of Electrical & Computer Eng. of National Technical University of Athens
  3. Turkish 34.5% by fazli

Fixed bugs and improvements

Bug fix

  1. Pear path. The own Claroline Pear path was pushed to the end ot the include_path list. If another Pear path existed, the claroline pear path wasn't take into account.
  2. Import user list : add mime type of cvs file made with OOo
  3. Fix a bug with iis and php : $_SERVER['HTTPS'] is 'off' when the scripts was queried through the HTTPS protocol.
  4. Linker crashes in group forums
  5. Put in comment the call to session_regenerate_id, error with php 4.3.2 && 4.4.2. Authentication failed.

Modification between claroline 1.7.2 and 1.7.3

Claroline 1.7.3 released, Fri February 17 2006

New feature

  1. Auth with Ldap : Add a case sentivity flag for username during the authentication process


  • Spanish Latin 100% by Prof. Carlos Brys - Universidad Nacional de Misiones - Argentina

Fixed bugs and improvements

Bug fix

  1. Missing charset in mail (fix bug: 443)
  2. Fix wrong variable name in CAS configuration file
  3. Import csv user list : Remove the useless creation and use of a tmp directory of the uploaded file
  4. Wiki : double hex encode on e-mail addresses in wiki renderer
  5. SSO : Fix a tiny security hole in the internal SSO of Claroline
  6. Course settings : empty email address rejected even if optional
  7. Course creation : Cannot display course creation error. Syntax error
  8. Groups : Fix a bug concerning group registration when group are private
  9. Forum search : missing backtick in the FROM clause of the search query. They prevent the search command to work correctly on multi DB system.
  10. Learning Path : Fix a bug in sql strict mode ( View forum 4960 ( )
  11. Wiki : relative url like './wiki.php' are interpreted like wiki link
  12. Upload File : change str_replace() to str_ireplace() in htaccess2txt() to increase security.
  13. Groups : SQL error when fill O group (View forum 4910 ( )
  14. Import CSV in class : There is a bug in "inc/lib/user.lib.php" that prevents a student to be added to a class if he/she already added to another class. (View forum 4995 (
  15. Delete class : Deleting a class does not remove corresponding memberships in rel_class_user

Modification between claroline 1.7.1 and 1.7.2

Claroline 1.7.2 released, Fri January 13 2006


  1. Arabic translation 100% by Eng. Ali
  2. Polish 100% by Jacek Grudzien (
  3. Bulgarian 97,1% by Alexander Simidchiev
  4. Greek by Lefteris Zacharia
  5. Persian by Elnaz Sarbar - Farsi Web
  6. Spanish Latin 99,1% by Prof. Carlos Brys - Universidad Nacional de Misiones - Argentina
  7. Romanian translation 99,3% by Antonio Apostoliu and Mr. CEO Ion Poiana of National Meteorology School from Romania
  8. Traditional Chinese 96.7 % by Kiang - Taiwan PHP User Group

Fixed bugs and improvements

Bug fix

  1. Assignments : Fix a bug when trying to download an accentuated filename when using internet explorer.
  2. Assignments : wrong sql with old mysql version
  3. Create a course : didn't use "Default course access" configuration
  4. Install : if port isn't 80, install add the port
  5. Create course : wrong sql with old mysql version
  6. Exercise : Add support of chars like [ ] < > :: in fill in blanks text and wrong answers
  7. Exercise : Add support of chars like [ ] < > :: in fill in blanks text and wrong answers; Compatibility with mysql 5
  8. Linker : correct bug #430 and bug #431 wrong url generated by document resolver
  9. Login : Fix a bug in the source Url building in the login process
  10. Tracking : trafic details, wrong library folder.
  11. Wiki : Fatal error when an anonymous user edit a page
  12. Wiki : access to any group wiki from a group (bug #421)
  13. Wiki : impossible to access a group Wiki when course Wiki is disabled (patch for bug #437)
  14. Wiki : fix relative url detection bugs (bugs #436, #438 and #439)
  15. Wiki : antispam not working on mailto urls (bug #440)

Modification between claroline 1.7.0 and 1.7.1

Claroline 1.7.1 released, Tue November 29 2005


  1. Arabic 100% by Eng.Ali Ismaeel
  2. Bulgarian 69% by Alex Simidchiev of
  3. Croatian 86% by Karolj Skala and Bozo Jonic - Ruder Boskovic Institute
  4. Dutch 100% by Svenn d'hert -
  5. French small fine tuning by Hugues Peeters
  6. French review by Paul Muraille
  7. Galician 100% by Gerardo Albela González - Bolseiro Servizo de Teledocencia (Edif. Fundición)
  8. Indonesian by Ery Atmodjo 35.6% --> 99,7%
  9. Persian 64.5% by Elnaz Sarbar - Farsi Web
  10. Polish 100% by Jacek Grudzien (
  11. Spanish 100% by Gerardo Albela González - Bolseiro Servizo de Teledocencia (Edif. Fundición)

Fixed bugs and improvements

Major Features

  1. Add an enrolment key for course subscription.
  2. External Authentification : Rewrite the authentication part to permit to search on potential multi username (login name).
  3. External authentication : driver to Mambo ( & Joomla CMS (
  4. Course tracking : Add details of user connected this day in the course.
  5. Forum : Internal search fonctionnality.

Minor Features

  1. Admin profile : add icons to some commands to clarify the user interface.
  2. Login : Add titular contact address when course enrollment is not allowed.
  3. Update pclzip to version 2.4.
  4. Group : Add a confirmation to delete a group.
  5. Manage course category : tool to repair a broken tree
  6. CAS : Improve the script and add the possibility to use CAS authentication and Claroline authentication.
  7. Home Page : New configuration to order course by : official code (default) or course title.

Bug fix

  1. Administration, add a user list : Impossible to acceed the script from administration.
  2. Administration, add a user list : Take account of config for secure password check.
  3. Announcements (Send it by email) : transformation allowing to capture and keep url's in the following case : click <a href="">here</a>. This string is transfomed like this : click here [ ].
  4. Announcements (Send it by email) : transformation html list in text list with '*'.
  5. Assignments : use function move_uploaded_file instead of function copy for upload of file
  6. Assignments : Display of assignments' description was broken.
  7. Assignments : Add mecanism to change the visibility of all submitted works when changing "default works visibility" in assignment edition. That mecanism is available using a configuration variable. ( 4156 (
  8. Assignments : Add a pager toolbar at the bottom of user list
  9. Authentication : Login & password not unquote in register_globals=On and magic_quotes=Off (login & password can now contain ')
  10. Chat : Set the charset of the page ( Forum 4405 ( )
  11. Course settings : multi email are accepted.
  12. Display file size unit : add a space between value and units ( ie : 35,4 Mb instead of 35,4Mb ).
  13. Documents and links : Links with get parameters are wrong encoded.
  14. Documents and links : Notice messages when uploaded file is too bigger. (bug 371 (
  15. Documents and links : Add .pps mimetype (suggested by Marina from university of Saint-Etienne, France)
  16. Documents and links : Error with files with double '.'
  17. Edit zone file : Save also the text zone, if the content is only an image.
  18. Exercises : Display pager on questions pool page.
  19. Exercises : Attach a file, the name of temporary file was not correctly returned.
  20. Exercises, question pool : Pager was not using filter.
  21. Exercises: Cannot choose a question to import in a exercise if this question is not on the first page of the question pool
  22. External authentication : Adapt Package LDAP from PEAR to work like others drivers.
  23. External authentication : Patch fixing the #348 bug (Auth LDAP not retrieve user attributes)
  24. External authentication : Prevent username modification when the authentication source is not claroline.
  25. Forum : Add a cancel button to the form
  26. Forum : Fix some breadcrumb mistake
  27. Groups : Sql warning when we fill groups in a course with no users.
  28. Install : Check the minimum version of php ( 4.3.0 ).
  29. Learning Path, Import Scorm package : Check if item has an identifier before recording it. Learning Path : php session aren't saved with header location (redirection) on IIS server.
  30. Learning path, export : Impossible to create folder. (Fix open_basedir and safe_mode restriction with recursive use of claro_mkdir function)
  31. Linker : remove http://SERVER_HOST/ from javascript path function to avoid possible issue with https protocol
  32. Login Page : Don't display course select box if user isn't enroll to a course.
  33. Login Page : Registration link is wrong on login page. (Forum 4194 ( )
  34. Manage course categories : Detect infinite loop if broken structure.
  35. Manage course categories : Fix a wrong SQL.
  36. RSS : Don't feed hidden entrie from aganda and announcements
  37. Send mail: Set the charset of email
  38. Tracking : Fix some error in documents tracking.
  39. Tracking : Correct breadcrump in login_details.php
  40. Tracking : Delete all course statistics, delete also learnpath progress.
  41. Upgrade : Don't set currentDbVersion in the script before test of version.
  42. Users profile : Password Too Easy : Add a correct message when password is too easy.
  43. Users tool : Display Lastname before firstname in users list.
  44. Users tool : Order search results of add a user.

Security fix

  1. A remote file inclusion vulnerabilities with register_globals on

Improve installation of claroline on mutualized hosting

  1. Fix some error with PHP open_basedir configuration.
  2. RSS configuration : Add a properties in configuration to enable or disable RSS. (Disabling is needed, if PEAR isn't available)
  3. Don't use ini_set function ( use set_include_path and get_include_path
  4. MySQL queries : Fix some queries error with Mysql 5