pdns - Ticket #21
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Ticket 21: PDNS fails under simple DoS-like attack.

I did a test to check if powerdns could sustain a simple DOS-like attack to it. That test was to simply send a bunch of junk to the server and see if it would fail to work. That test made powerdns fail a miserable death. The resulting actions below is how I came accross the failure:

dd if=/dev/urandom bs=10000000 | nc -u 53 > /dev/null

Which resulted in a lot of chatter from pdns, mostly failed queries, unknown opcodes, etc. If you test this like I did, you'll see all of it better than I could paste it.

Doing the same thing using:

dd if=/dev/urandom bs=10000000 | nc 53 > /dev/null

Which is using TCP, instead of UDP, resulted simply in:

Sep 18 15:36:12 valhalla pdns[46886]: Received an overly large question from, dropping

That concludes my bug report. Hope it helps.

Eric Renfro

[Append remarks]


2004-Sep-19 23:57:17 by anonymous:
Just did a quick test on my system and I found a crash in an infinite recursion in DNSPacket::expand. The following line in the method DNSPacket::expand should be changed:

  expand((unsigned char *)stringbuffer.c_str()+labelOffset,end,expanded,depth++);

I guess "depth++" should be changed to "depth+1" here (because otherwise depth is only incremented after the recursion and the check (depth>10) will never be true).


Type: event           Version: 2.9.16 
Status: fixed          Created: 2004-Sep-18 22:38
Severity:          Last Change: 2005-Jan-11 20:59
Priority:          Subsystem: Unknown 
Assigned To:            Derived From:  
Creator: anonymous 

Related Check-ins:

2005-Jan-11 20:59 * Check-in [275]: oops, I means fix for ticket #21 - original text: partial fix: the real fix is to redo the packet parsing system, which I've done, but needs to be merged. Thanks anonymous user! (by the way, I made the Exact same mistake in the completely redesigned parser, odd eh?) (By ahu)


  1. By anonymous on 2004-Sep-19 23:57:17

    1. Added remarks.

  2. By anonymous on 2005-Jan-11 20:59:21

    1. Changed status from "new" to "fixed".

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