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Wed, Jan 25, 2006

IlohaMail in Web 2.0

According to some people, there's this whole "Web 2.0" thing going on right now, and I'm glad to say that IlohaMail isn't completely left behind:

  • TextDrive, a fairly prominent "Web 2.0 Hosting Company", appears to be using IlohaMail for hosted webmail service. It appears they may be switching to a Joyent product (they just merged with Joyent, so I don't blame them), but if they are, it hasn't happened yet...
  • RoundCube, an OpenSource Ajaxy webmail project uses IlohaMail's IMAP library under it's hood. So, okay, it's only part IlohaMail, but that's what OpenSource is all about.
  • Speaking of Ajax, the latest devel version of IlohaMail in CVS actually has some nifty Ajax features. People have reported some issues with it, but hopefully we get things stablized and out the door soon...

Mon, Oct 10, 2005

Looking Forward

For the last 5 years, IlohaMail has been mostly a one-man operation, with me (Ryo) being that One Man. Sure, I got lots of help and support from others, but I controlled the source and made all the decisions. One of the benefits to this "benevolent dictator" approach was that IlohaMail stayed true to my original vision, with relatively little feature creep that plagues many Open Source projects (i.e. none of that "it's a webmail that also does your laundry and builds nuclear reactors... poorly and slowly!" crap). Of course, the downside was that the project experienced periods of inactivity lasting months, where patches didn't go in, and new releases didn't go out. The last 6 months or so has been one of those periods, and it's killing IlohaMail.

So, over the last week or so, a group of dedicated community members and I have begun planning and activating a succession plan. Over the next weeks and months, IlohaMail will become more open and more community-driven. I'll still stick around and help where I can, but many of the critical tasks in maintaining, developing, and supporting IlohaMail will be taken on by members of the community.

This is a big change for me and for IlohaMail. But I am fully confident that IlohaMail, the product and the community, will improve and thrive in this new phase. Finally, if you would like to help out and take part in the ongoing discussions, please join us on the developer mailing list.

--Ryo Chijiiwa (Author, IlohaMail)

Fri, Apr 15, 2005

IlohaMail 0.8.14-RC3 Released

IlohaMail 0.8.14-RC3 is primarily a security update. A number of XSS vulnerabilities have been patched, a filter to remove potentially malicious code from HTML messages has been added, configuration files have been renamed to prevent content exposure, and documentation has been updated. Download .
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IlohaMail 0.9-20050415 released

This is primarily a security update to patch a number of XSS vulnerabilities, and is highly recommended if you are using any previous version of IlohaMail 0.9 (patched versions of 0.8.x will follow shortly). Download now.
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Tue, Apr 12, 2005

IlohaMail 0.9-20050412 released

This release adds a number of improvements to the bookmarks manager and feed aggregator feature, including the ability to dynamically publish bookmarks as a JavaScript include (i.e. a blogroll), support for RSS 2.0 enclosures (podcasts), and the ability to re-publish aggregated feeds in a single Atom feed. This release also fixes POP3 access and adds support for POP3 over SSL. A significant number of bugs fixes, feature enhancements, and code refactorizations have also been included in this release.
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Mon, Mar 28, 2005

Article in PHP Magazine

I finally got my hands on (a now somewhat dated) issue 6.04 of PHP Magazine, which included an article about IlohaMail by David Costa. Here are some choice quotes:

I was disappointed by the performance of Squirrelmail under PHP 5. In fact, I was unable to successfully run any version prior to 1.4.3a on PHP 5, and even 1.4.3a didn't have the stunning installation simplicity and speed provided by IlohaMail.

Peek into the IlohaMail source code and you will notice that this application has been well developed and well commented. Much of the credit goes to the lead developer Ryo Chijiiwa. This is certainly an important aspect: There are thousands of PHP free applications online, but not many are well coded and therefore easy to expand, customize, and maintain.

IlohaMail is one of the best webmail solutions available. It's strength resides in its ease of installation, minimal requirements, flexibility, speed, and excellent code.

Sat, Mar 26, 2005

IlohaMail 0.9 Demo Now Online

A demo of the next major update to IlohaMail, version 0.9, is now open to the public. Log in to an existing IMAP or POP3 account at one of the URLs below:


Thu, Mar 24, 2005

IlohaMail 0.9-20050323 released

This release adds a calendar publishing feature (example), DHTML enhancements to the message list, auto-detection of JavaScript usage mode depending on user agent, and performance improvements when accessing large mailboxes. This release also includes a number of minor enhancements and fixes.
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Mon, Mar 21, 2005

Best PHP Webmail?

Ask someone to name two PHP webmail packages, and they'll probably name SquirrelMail and IMP/Horde. But if you ask Google the same question, it'll give you a slightly better answer:

Sat, Mar 12, 2005

IlohaMail 0.9-20050312

This is a bug fix release, with fixes in filtering, handling of empty folders, and some back-end improvements.

Changes have been made to the MySQL back-end. If you are upgrading, make sure to run applicable commands found in MySQL/0.9.0.
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IlohaMail is a light-weight yet feature rich multilingual webmail system designed for ease of use, written in pure PHP. It supports web-access to IMAP and POP3 accounts, and includes a complete contacts feature and other PIM features.

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