If you have questions or issues concerning SunnComm's MediaMax products, please look over the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section below for answers to various user issues. Check back in the future for how-tos, step-by-step walkthroughs, and other useful information.

It has come to our attention that a security vulnerability may exist with regard to Version 5 of SunnComm's MediaMax content protection software. This vulnerability is not present in other versions of SunnComm MediaMax. To address this potential Version 5 vulnerability, SunnComm has made available a software update, click here to download the update [December 8, 2005]. We encourage you to run this update on any computer that you think has played a SunnComm MediaMax Version 5 compact disc. This potential security vulnerability does not affect conventional CD or DVD players.

If you do not find the answer to your question or concern, you can always...

Click to Ask the SunnComm Tech Team

or for portable device questions (iPod, etc.), click here.

#1.  How do I know if my SONY BMG disc contains SunnComm MediaMax Version 5 content protection software?

Click Here for a list of SunnComm MediaMax Version 5 titles.

Alternatively, you can identify a disc with SunnComm MediaMax Version 5 software by looking at the back of the CD packaging. If you see a black and white table with "Compatible With" on the side (see below for example), your disc contains some form of content protection software. If the URL at the bottom of table says www.sunncomm.com/support/sonybmg, then the disc contains SunnComm MediaMax Version 5 software. One CD, "Defined" by Amici Forever contains SunnComm MediaMax Version 5 and the URL but does not have the black and white table noted.


#2.  If my computer contains the SunnComm MediaMax content protection software, how can I protect my system?
SunnComm has made available a software update to address the potential security issue with SunnComm MediaMax Version 5 software. Click here to download this update [December 8, 2005]. We encourage you to run this update on your computer if you think a CD with SunnComm MediaMax technology has been used on your computer. This potential security vulnerability does not affect conventional CD or DVD players.

#3.  How can I uninstall the SunnComm MediaMax software from my computer?
As an alternative to downloading the update, SunnComm MediaMax has provided a secure procedure to uninstall the SunnComm MediaMax software from your computer. Click here to download the uninstall procedure [December 8, 2005].

Uninstalling the Sunncomm MediaMax software and associated content protection files loaded from a MediaMax-protected CD from a computer will NOT delete or affect the use of any audio files that have previously been transferred from a MediaMax content protected CD to your computer. Such files remain subject to the digital rights management rules in the End User License Agreement.

Note that once the MediaMax content protection software has been uninstalled, if you wish to play a CD with MediaMax content protection software, you would need to reinstall that software in accordance with that CD's End User License Agreement after the disc has been inserted into the computer. This process will necessitate downloading the software update again.

#4.  If I have previously uninstalled the SunnComm MediaMax software from my computer, is my computer at risk?
We have been alerted that the tools provided to uninstall the SunnComm MediaMax content protection software provided prior to October 5th, 2005, can result in a potential security risk. If you have uninstalled your SunnComm MediaMax software prior to that date, we recommend that you run the new uninstaller software available here or follow the instructions below.

Instructions for removing the SunnComm MediaMax ActiveX Control manually:

     Using Windows Explorer, go to your windows directory( e.g. WINDOWS or WINNT) Downloaded Program Files Folder

     Locate "AxWebRemoveCtrl Control"

     Right click on the file and select Remove from the pop-up window

     The file is now removed from you computer system

     If the file "AxWebRemoveCtrl Control" is not found in the above directory, then your computer is not affected.

#5.  What is the difference between SunnComm MediaMax content protection software and XCP content protection software?
While both software programs are used as content protection on compact discs, they are different technologies from different companies. The First4Internet security issue associated with XCP content protection software does not relate to the SunnComm MediaMax content protection software.

#6.  Why is there content protection software on this CD?
Content protection was placed on this CD to safeguard intellectual property rights and prevent the unauthorized duplication and illegal distribution of content on the CD.

#7.  What is the technical nature of the security vulnerability in SunnComm MediaMax Version 5?
A local privilege escalation vulnerability exists which could allow a locally logged on user to gain higher privileges by overwriting certain files used by the installed MediaMax software.

#8.  Is this CD playable on my computer?
Yes, similar to other software and games, usage of the CD on your computer does require your acceptance of the end user license agreement and installation of specific software contained on the CD. It also requires your computer to be appropriately configured. Please review the Systems Requirements documented on the package of the CD you are trying to play.

#9.  How do I play this CD on my computer?
Place the CD in your computer´s CD-Rom drive. Allow the disc time to start (no more than a minute), accept the end user license agreement and the music should begin to play!

#10.  My computer will not play the CD. What can I do to listen to the music on my computer?
First check to ensure your computer meets or exceeds the Minimum System Requirements as outlined on the package of the CD you are trying to play. This is important, as the CD relies on several system components from the operating system and Windows Media Player. Typically the problem is due to an incompatible Windows Media Player and can be remedied by upgrading your version of the Windows Media Player. If necessary, upgrade your Windows Media Player software and restart the CD.
* You may also attempt to start the CD manually by doing the following *
PC Users -
  ~ Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop
  ~ Double-click the drive letter that has the CD loaded (the drive should also have the band logo next to it)
  ~ Depending on your operating system the CD might start to play, if not, double-click on the file named Launchcd.exe
  ~ This should begin the process of delivering the digital keys required to enjoy the CD on your computer

#11.  How can I get tracks I rip from my CD into iTunes and/or onto my iPod?
Apple's proprietary technology doesn't support secure music formats other than their own and therefore the music on this disc can't be directly imported into iTunes or iPods.

Sony BMG wants music to be easily transferable to any device that supports secure music. Currently, music from our protected CDs may be transferred to hundreds of such devices, as both Microsoft and Sony have assisted to make the user experience on our discs as seamless as possible with their secure formats.

Unfortunately, in order to directly and smoothly rip content into iTunes it requires the assistance of Apple. To date, Apple has not been willing to cooperate with our protection vendors to make ripping to iTunes and to the iPod a simple experience.

If you believe that you should be able to easily move tracks from your protected CD to your iPod then we encourage you to use the following link to contact Apple directly and tell them so.


That said, while there is no direct support on the disc for iTunes or iPod, SONY BMG has worked out an indirect way for consumers to move content into these environments, despite the challenges noted above. If you'd like more information on how to move content to iTunes please CLICK HERE.

#12.  What should I do if the program does not automatically start when I place the CD in my computer?
First, remove the CD from the CD-Rom drive and insert it again. This should allow the computer to restart the CD.
* If the application still does not start by itself, try the following *
PC Users -
  ~ Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop
  ~ Double-click the drive letter that has the CD loaded (the drive should also have the band logo next to it)
  ~ Depending on your operating system the CD might start to play, if not, double-click on the file named Launchcd.exe
  ~ This should begin the process of delivering the digital keys required to enjoy the CD on your computer

#13.  After I accept the end user license agreement, I am told my computer is not appropriately configured and requires an Internet connection. Why do I need an Internet connection to listen to the CD on my computer?:
To enjoy the music and bonus features (if available) of this CD on your computer, a set of digital keys are required. These digital keys can be delivered to your computer directly from the CD if your computer meets or exceeds the Minimum System Requirements outlined on the CD packaging. If your computer does not at least meet the Minimum System Requirements, there are two options to play the music on your computer:
  ~ Digital keys compatible with your system configuration may be deliverable via the Internet. Make sure you are connected to the Internet and press the Continue button on the message.
  ~ You may also upgrade your version of Windows Media Player to a version that meets or exceeds the version identified in the Minimum System Requirements on the CD packaging. If you are connected to the Internet you may click here to be taken to a web site where you can download a new Windows Media Player. Once you have installed an appropriate version of the Windows Media Player, you can insert the CD into your CD-Rom drive to re-start the digital key delivery process.

#14.  When the CD tries to get the digital keys via the Internet, I receive a web page with the message that the server may be busy or Internet traffic too high. How can I get the digital keys necessary to play the CD on my computer? When the CD tries to get the digital keys via the Internet, I receive a web page with the message that the server may be busy or Internet traffic too high. How can I get the digital keys necessary to play the CD on my computer?:
Check to make sure you are connected to the internet and try the following -
  Remove the CD from your computer’s CD-Rom drive
  Open your Windows Media Player
  Click the Tools menu then choose Options
  Click the Privacy tab
  Check the box next to "Acquire licenses automatically for protected content"
  Click Okay
  Close Windows Media Player
  Insert the CD in your CD-Rom drive and the digital keys should now be delivered

#15.  When I try to play the CD on my computer the music skips and/or is distorted. What is wrong with the CD? When I try to play the CD on my computer the music skips and/or is distorted. What is wrong with the CD?
Nothing is wrong with your CD. The CD is designed to play on a computer using secure digital files pre-loaded on the CD. After the digital keys are successfully delivered for the music, these files can be played in two ways -
First, try placing the CD in your computer´s CD-Rom drive and allowing the CD to auto start. Once the disc auto starts and the digital keys have been delivered, the music will begin to play. If the CD does not auto start, try the following...
PC Users -
  ~ Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop
  ~ Double-click the drive letter that has the CD loaded (the drive should also have the band logo next to it)
  ~ Depending on your operating system the CD might start to play, if not, double-click on the file named Launchcd.exe
  ~ This should begin the process of delivering the digital keys required to enjoy the CD on your computer

(As an added feature of the MediaMax enhanced CD, these digital files can be played directly from your computer without the original CD present. You are encouraged to copy the secure digital music files to your computer and enjoy the music without the need for the original CD. This can be accomplished by using the Copy Songs button on the main user interface (main screen) when the CD is loaded. Use this function to copy the songs to your favorite music directory on your computer. These files can then be played using your software player and may even be added to your favorite playlist.)

#16.  When I place the CD in my computer's CD-Rom drive, I get the error message "CD3 Launch Error". What does this mean and how can I fix it?
This error message can mean several things. The first place to start is by comparing your system configuration with the Minimum System Requirements identified on the CD you are trying to play. If your system does meet or exceed the System Requirements, you should check the following:
Check to make sure the Index.hta file located on the CD (in the root directory) is properly associated with the Microsoft HTML Application. You can check this by doing the following:
  ~ Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop
  ~ If necessary, select the Tools menu and then Folder Options…
  ~ Select the File Types tab at the top
  ~ Locate the HTA extension
  ~ Confirm the HTA extension is associated with Microsoft HTML Application
If the HTA extension does not appear in the list, add the extension by doing the following:

  ~ Click the New button
  ~ Type “HTA” in the File Extension field
  ~ Click Ok
  ~ HTA should now show up in the list
If the file is not associated with Microsoft HTML Application, change the association by doing the following:

  ~ Highlight the HTA extension
  ~ Click the Change button
  ~ Click on Microsoft HTML Application from the list
If “Microsoft HTML Application” is not available, add the entry by doing the following:

  ~ Select the Other or Browse button
  ~ Browse to your main Windows directory (typically C:\Windows)
  ~ Browse to directory System32
  ~ Locate and select program mshta or mshta.exe

#17.  What are Digital Keys?
Digital Keys are special bits of information that are stored on your computer by our software, when you first play your MediaMax-enhanced CD. They are like "virtual receipts" that let us know you are the owner of an original audio CD.

#18.  What are the benefits to having Digital Keys installed on my computer?:
1. Each time you place the CD in your computer, your music will automatically begin to play.
2. You can easily move your music onto your computer without the cumbersome process of ripping.
3. You can place your music onto your approved portable digital music player.

#19.  What if my computer won't download the Digital Keys?:
If you are having trouble getting the digital keys to deliver to your computer, try one of two things--
  1. Reinsert the MediaMax CD into your CD-Rom drive and wait a couple of minutes for the keys to be delivered.
  2. PC users can also double-click the "My Computer" icon on their desktop and then double-click on the MediaMax CD icon which should show up next to the letter for your CD-Rom Drive. and wait a couple of minutes for the keys to be delivered.

#20.  Is my CD playable on my computer?:
Yes. Usage of the CD on your computer requires your acceptance of the End User License Agreement & installation of MediaMax. Instructions: Insert CD into the CD-ROM. Software will automatically install. If it does not, click on “LaunchCd.exe”. Min. System Requirements: Pentium II 300 MHz, Monitor 800x600 & 256 colors, 12x multi-session CD-ROM, 64 MB RAM, Flash Player 6, Windows Media Player 7.1, Windows 98/2000/XP, Internet Explorer 5.5, Internet connection & 500 KB space. Digital files on this CD will also play on portable devices supporting secure WMA files.

#21.  After my SunnComm MediaMax CD detects an internet connection and tries to download digital keys, I receive a web page with the message that the server may be busy or internet traffic too high. This happens every time I insert the CD... internet traffic can´t be that high all the time, can it? I am using Windows Media Player version 9.:
If you are sure you are making a connection to the internet, try the following solution:
1. Without inserting the SunnComm MediaMax CD, launch Windows Media Player 9
2. Click the "Tools" menu and then choose "Options"
3. Click the "Privacy" tab
4. Check the box next to "Acquire licenses automatically for protected content"
5. Click "Okay"
6. Close Windows Media Player 9
7. Insert your MediaMax CD in your CD-Rom drive and the digital keys should now be acquired

#22.  What should I do if the program does not automatically start when I place the CD in my computer?:
Try removing the CD from the CD-Rom drive, and replacing it again to allow the application to start automatically. If the application still does not start by itself, PC users can double-click their "My Computer" icon on the desktop and then double-click on the drive letter containing the CD. If the application still does not launch, try double-clicking on the LaunchCD.exe file in the CD directory. The application should start.


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