Barracuda Networks products - SQL Injection Vulnerability
(CVE Number: CVE-2008-1094)

Vulnerability: SQL Injection
Risk: Medium
Attack Vector: From Remote
Vulnerability Discovered:    16 June 2008
Vendor Notified: 16 June 2008
Advisory Released: 15 December 2008


Barracuda Networks Spam Firewall is vulnerable to various SQL Injection attacks. When exploited by an authenticated user, 
the identified vulnerability can lead to Database Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, etc.


The index.cgi resource was identified as being susceptible to SQL Injection attacks. 
When filtering user accounts in Users->Account View section, the pattern_x parameter (where x = 0..n) allows inserting 
arbitrary SQL code once filter_x parameter is set to ‘search_count_equals‘ value.

per_user_account_view&boolean_0=boolean_and&filter_0=search_count_equals&pattern_0=if(database() like concat(char(99),char(37)),5,0)

An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by injecting arbitrary SQL code to be executed as part of the SQL query.

Barracuda Networks Technical Alert Article:

Affected Versions

Barracuda Spam Firewall (Firmware v3.5.11.020, Model 600)

Other products/versions might be affected.


Vendor recommends upgrading to the following firmware version

Barracuda Spam Firewall (Firmware v3.5.12.001)

Alternatively, please contact Barracuda Networks for technical support.


Dr. Marian Ventuneac, Data Communications Security Laboratory, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering, University of Limerick


Data Communications Security Laboratory releases this information with the vendor acceptance. DCSL is not responsible for any malicious application of the information presented in this advisory.