FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

rubygem-uri -- ReDoS vulnerability

Affected packages
2.7.0,1 <= ruby < 2.7.8,1
3.0.0,1 <= ruby < 3.0.6,1
3.1.0,1 <= ruby < 3.1.4,1
3.2.0.p1,1 <= ruby < 3.2.2,1
2.7.0,1 <= ruby27 < 2.7.8,1
3.0.0,1 <= ruby30 < 3.0.6,1
3.1.0,1 <= ruby31 < 3.1.4,1
3.2.0.p1,1 <= ruby32 < 3.2.2,1
rubygem-uri < 0.12.1


VuXML ID 9b60bba1-cf18-11ed-bd44-080027f5fec9
Discovery 2023-03-28
Entry 2023-03-30

Dominic Couture reports:

A ReDoS issue was discovered in the URI component. The URI parser mishandles invalid URLs that have specific characters. It causes an increase in execution time for parsing strings to URI objects.


CVE Name CVE-2023-28755