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You are here:Home arrow News arrow AllVideos v3.3 released - fixes security flaw - upgrade ASAP
AllVideos v3.3 released - fixes security flaw - upgrade ASAP
Thursday, 18 February 2010
AllVideos v3.3 has just been released, permanently dealing with a security flaw discovered in version 3.0 to 3.2. You are strongly advised to upgrade immediately to v3.3 if you're already using v3.0 to v3.2.

The vulnerability discovered in versions 3.0. to 3.2 of the plugin can be exploited by malicious people to disclose potentially sensitive information. For security reasons we will not be providing further details to safeguard users of affected versions.

Version 3.3 also fixes the "fullscreen" option for "YouTube" and "Google Video" embedded videos. It also applies new functionality used by upcoming versions of our K2 content component. Several other tweaks have also been employed.

If you are using AllVideos v1.x or v2.x there is no security concern to upgrade. You are however advised to upgrade to v3.3 if using Joomla! 1.5 to enjoy all the new features introduced in the v3 series.


See version 3.3 running in our demo site:


Download v3.3 from our frontpage at:

To upgrade from 1.x/2.x to 3.3:
Just note down your AllVideos settings, uninstall any previous 1.x/2.x version and then install the latest 3.3 version. Enter the plugin parameters, re-apply your settings and publish it! Clear your Joomla! cache and voila!

To upgrade from 3.0/3.1/3.2 to 3.3:
Directly install v3.3, it will override the old files, maintaining your settings.


The documentation for AllVideos is available here:

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