
- a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client -

Last Modified: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 15:33:37
Number of visitors since 2000/06/29(Thu): 2492038
Japanese page English page


A buffer overflow bug was fixed at 1.0.3 and 1.9.5. This problem exists in almost all of the older version, so be sure to upgrade.

Sylpheed 1.9.6 (development) has been released! [Updated! (07 Mar 2005)]

Source package:
sylpheed-1.9.6.tar.bz2 (SourceForge mirror)
sylpheed-1.9.6.tar.gz (SourceForge mirror)

Patch to the previous version:

Sylpheed 1.0.3 (stable) has been released! [Updated! (04 Mar 2005)]

Source package:
sylpheed-1.0.3.tar.bz2 (SourceForge mirror)
sylpheed-1.0.3.tar.gz (SourceForge mirror)

Patch to the previous version:

Older version



Please refer to ChangeLog for details.

Development version


Previous changes (development)

Stable version


Previous changes (stable)

What's Sylpheed

Sylpheed is an e-mail client and news reader based on GTK+ GUI toolkit, and runs on X Window System.

Sylpheed is a free software distributed under the GNU GPL.

The development of Sylpheed sets the following things as its goal:

The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express, Becky!, and Datula. The interface is also designed to emulate the Emacs-based mailers, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard. So you will able to migrate to Sylpheed without much discomfort in the case where you are accustomed to other mailers.

The messages are managed by MH format, and you'll be able to use it together with another mailer based on MH format (like Mew). It has less possibility of losing mails on failures since one file corresponds to one mail.

You can import or export mbox format messages.

You can also utilize fetchmail or/and procmail, and external programs on receiving (like inc or imget).

Currently implemented major features

Supported protocols



Unimplemented features

Partially implemented features

Requirement for compiling and executing

Development version

Stable version

It is confirmed to work on many Linux distributions, *BSD, and commercial Unix etc. The Windows version is also developed by others.

Confirmed platforms

(if you get it working on other platforms, please contact me)

Screen Shots

Related Page

Anonymous SVN/CVS

The source code management system of Sylpheed has been migrated from CVS to Subversion. The current development version is managed by Subversion, and the previous stable version is managed by CVS.

Usage of Subversion repository

Install subversion, and access svn:// .


mkdir svn
cd svn
svn checkout svn://

The subdirectory of sylpheed is divided as following:

To update to the newest source tree, run the command:

svn update
at the target directory.

The Subversion tree doesn't include automatically created files, so you can't ./configure as it is. To compile, you need autoconf, automake, libtool, gettext to be installed. If they are, required files are automatically generated by ./

Usage of CVS repository

First, set your CVSROOT environment variable to: (you can specify that with -d option).

Next, login with:

cvs login
and just press Enter key to `CVS password:'.

Move to an appropriate directory, and with the command:

cvs -z3 checkout sylpheed
a source tree named `sylpheed' is created under the current directory.

To update to the newest source tree, run the command:

cvs -z3 update -d -P
on the top directory of the source tree.

(To reduce the load of the network, please make sure -z3 is applied.)

The CVS tree doesn't include automatically created files, so you can't ./configure as it is. To compile, you need autoconf, automake, libtool, gettext, imlib, gdk-pixbuf to be installed. If they are, required files are automatically generated by ./

Sylpheed Mailing List

This is a mailing list that deals with the general topic of Sylpheed. There are two lists:

There is also the sylpheed-announce ML ( which deals only with release announcements.

Backward log of Sylpheed ML is here
(You can see the contents even though the index page is Japanese. The words in Japanese mean: Search, Number index, Thread index).

The following explanation uses as an example. Please substitute sylpheed with sylpheed-jp, and sylpheed-ctl with sylpheed-jp-ctl if you are going to subscribe to, or sylpheed-announce and sylpheed-announce-ctl for

How to subscribe

Send a mail to that says

subscribe Your Name
in the body.

The server returns the mail once for the first registration request that asks the confirmation: "May I put you on this mailing list?" that includes the following phrase (this number is merely an example).

confirm 84682771 Anne Shirley
This is a precaution for mischief like subscribing you to the list against your wish.

If you received the entry confirmation mail, send a mail that includes the phrase:

confirm Password(a number) Your Name
to the address for registration: again. Then, it is considered that you have confirmed the registration and you are registered to the server.

The address for posting is

Notice: If you lost the mail that says

confirm Password(a number) Your Name
or you became confused and want to do from the first, do them over from `the first', in other words, send
subscribe Anne Shirley

How to unsubscribe

Send a mail to that says

in the body.

Please send your comment and/or bug report to Hiroyuki Yamamoto <hiro-y @>.

My PGP public key

$Id: index.en.dat,v 1.197 2005/03/15 06:33:37 hiro Exp $